Religion and Ethics Newsweekly–Using Drones Outside Combat Zones

The mission, Obama added, showed that Al-Qaeda and its allies will find “no safe haven anywhere in the world.” But some ethicists are raising questions about whether the killing violated international law. University of Notre Dame international law professor Mary Ellen O’Connell released a statement calling the strike an illegal mission. “Derogation from the fundamental right to life is permissible only in battle zones or to save a human life immediately. The killing of Anwar al-Awlaki did not occur in these circumstances,” she said. In an interview with managing editor Kim Lawton earlier this year, O’Connell discussed her ethical concerns about the increased use of drones for targeted killings outside official combat zones. Lawton also talked with retired Lt. General David Deptula, who oversaw the US Air Force’s drone program from 2006 until 2010.

Read and watch it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, Defense, National Security, Military, Ethics / Moral Theology, Science & Technology, Terrorism, Theology

3 comments on “Religion and Ethics Newsweekly–Using Drones Outside Combat Zones

  1. Henry Greville says:

    Gosh, for whom do I have more respect, considering the ongoing threat to me and my family and neighbors and nation from advocates of violence against Americans: a morality professor at Notre Dame or the intelligence and operations folks under the Joint Special Operations Command accountable to the President? Sorry, Professor, but the choice is obvious to me.

  2. BlueOntario says:

    While the nation state still is the recognized common form of government, we see in the places discussed a failure of a cohesive state and a return to tribalism and barbarism. If international law experts such as Professor O’Connell were to address their moral and legal concerns with a recognition of the dangers to the civilized world from barbarous areas such as are found in Yeman, Somalia, and Pakistan, there might develop a better dialog. To not consider the dangers from those area and the collapse of internationally accepted norms of behavior from the de facto rulers there is a non-starter.

  3. David Keller says:

    Two things–Mary Ellen, get over it. Barak, I believe you owe George Bush an apology.